Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sonuva part XXXXV

Alas, many moons have passed since my last true update... And odds are many more may pass as well. In case anybody is really all that interested, I recently got myself a new apartment and I've been rather busy cleaning it up to move into... Yeah, the last tenants were filthy... they also had a very odd obsession with "Finding Nemo", I keep finding Nemo stickers in odd places.

Anyway, I finished up Gazael's second special attack... She throws her halo, it slices, it dices... but I guess this demo doesn't show the slicing/dicing aspect of it... It just shows her throwing it. It's pretty cool nonetheless. Almost finished! Standing block, crouching block, throw and finisher to go... Next week I plan to get cracking on this game a little more intently and get back to regular updates... But we'll see.

Here's the latest animation...


And yeah, here's a fun lil' pic... Nothing all that new though, you've seen others like it...

Movin' on up,
~ Mark

Creative Commons License
Sonuva by Mark Marianelli is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Yeah, I haven't posted in a while... And to make it worse, I have nothing "art-related" to show you... I was in Texas, being a true cowboy... i.e. Eating Cajun food which gave me the runs and buying cowboy hats and belt buckles with big M's on them...

... What's that? You want proof?

Very well.

I'm not a cowboy... I'm an M-Boy! Yeah, I'll bet you never saw a thug country boy... Oh wait... that's what the "Derrty Souf" is, isn't it? ... Whatever.

My words of advice are radio edit,
~ Mark

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Something Quick...

I'm going to be leaving for a few days to visit my bro down in Texas with ma'lady... Sadly I have nothing new to show you before I depart... So I dug and dug through as many old files as I could on my macBook and discovered this little gem... Go on, click it...

You might recognize the guy in the lower left (mainly because it's yours truly). I used this little ditty to create my personal portfolio site. What you didn't know was that I created that as an older concept for the 6amcomics website... I ended up going in another direction and these lil' guys were ultimately lost in the archives of my cluttered macBook Pro... But thanks to my laziness, they may now see the light of day!

If you haven't figured it out, these are cartoon representations of the Six AM Boys, i.e. Dan, Kevin and myself. I went with certain themes for each of us based off of our various passions in life... I love movies, hence I got a Star Wars, Rocky and Bad Boys II... Dan got Zelda, God of War and Half-Life, cause he loves him some video games... Kevin's got a thing for superheros, so he got Green Lantern, Deadpool, and The Comedian.

Anyway, that's what I got for ya, sorry I couldn't bust out something awesome for the 4th... Maybe something belated, yes?

~ Mark