Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Unsing Heroes of the Bible

My Six AM partner in crime, Dan, asked me to help out with some illustrations for a long-running teaching series at a church titled "Unsung Heroes of the Bible". They had asked him to depict some specific lesser characters in Scripture for this series which would be displayed on banners, projections and trading cards throughout the summer for the lessons. Dan and I, despite running a website together, rarely collaborate on any art projects, so he thought it'd be a good idea if we worked on these illustrations together. He took half the characters, and I took the other half, which consisted of Jonathan's Armor Bearer, Esther, Prescilla and Aquila, Jethro, Matthew (Levi) and Tabitha. The last image is Esther, who unfortunately wasn't used due to that lesson being canceled... which is depressing for me because that was my favorite...

Dan took on Centurion, Ananias, Nathan, Obed-Edom and Onesiphorus. You can see his illustrations on our Six AM Blog. I'd show his illustrations here... but this site isn't about him, it's about me... so you get me. Seriously though, go to the above link cause he did a pretty awesome job.

Unsung Heroes Unite!
~ Mark

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